Saturday, November 19, 2011

Mexico City Zoo 3/3

Some tortoise.

Some zebra.

Ostriches and an animal I don't now the name of.

A white rhino.

A hippopotamus, busy eating.

This family of giraffes was really friendly. They came right up to the edge of the pen to see all of the people. It was about as close as I have ever gotten to a giraffe.

The beautiful flowers in the Zoo.

The delicious looking opaque water of the lake in Chapultepec Park.

Mexico City Zoo 2/3

The Canadian Embassy, on my way to the Zoo.
The smallest McDonald's that I have ever seen.
Penguins. (The others were behind the rocks.)
'Canis Familiaris'. I know that pet dogs belong to this group, but I am not sure if these are a special kind or not.
Bat exhibit. (They were all sleeping and I couldn't see any.)
Pink flamingos. They must have a good diet of shrimp to be that pink.
Red parrots.
Green parrots.

The peacock.
The Zoo had an exhibit called the Montezum Aviary. You could walk around the exhibit with the birds. I think these might be some sort of Pelican, but I don't know. The one in the front liked to try to bite people that came near it. (I kept my distance to avoid a medical claim.)
Ducks much like the ones we have in Canada.

I got to watch this bird get fed

These two were funny. They must have been related somehow. They would fight one minute and then cuddle the next.

This bird is sitting on a perch after dive bombing right past me on the walk way.

I had to follow this bird into the bush. He has a really neat set of head feathers.


Ex-patriots ( a little blurry). The Zoo was closing so I decided to try to see as many animals as I could on my way out. (I took pictures of the same animals the next day because the light was better.)


This is an elk or cariboo (I'm not sure, I didn't know enough Spanish to read the signs.

This is the Gandhi monument in Chapultepec Park. I use it as a landmark to get from the parking lot of the Museum of Anthroplogy back on to Ruben Dario and then to the hotel or production office.

This is the Coca-Cola building. It is next to the park and a few buildings down from the Canadian Embassy.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Videos of Animals

This is a black leopard. His pen is right next to a pen with little monkeys and some birds. I think he was trying to find a way to get through the fence and eat them.

This was another pen of some kind of monkey. They wouldn't sit still to have their picture taken so I took a movie instead.

Senor Chippy

This is a squirel that I was sort of stalking in Chepultec Park outside the zoo. He has brown fur around his arms and legs and then the rest of him is gray. You can see his coloring in the photos below.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Mexico City Zoo 1/3

I don't know all of the animals because the signs were in Spanish, but here are some pictures of the park and the zoo.