Saturday, October 30, 2010

Barbara in New Media now...Curtis still as cute as ever.

So the last two weeks have been somewhat calmer. We even got to commute to work together several times, which is extremely rare. We will to enjoy it while it lasts for the next week before I get shuttled on to the next shift.
I took a picture of some of the computers that I am using. Unfortunately the angle that I chose is all Macs, but oh well. I am basically a digital mailman, arranging the uploads of Avid media and screening files for LA. I am finding it fun and challenging, but a little overwhelming sometimes too.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Wilson Family Vacation, the Sequel!

Guess where we're going!
We had so much fun last time (especially since we got engaged). And Curtis and I have decided to join his family on another Florida vacation.
We are both extremely excited (Curtis is probably excited, but I am VERY excited), because we are both exhausted and in dire need of a relaxing vacation. Hooray!!!!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

First Post

Curtis and I have been pretty busy with work lately.  So unfortuantely there is nothing really exciting to post at the moment.

It will be nice to see my family this weekend, however, when we have Thanksgiving at my sister's house. 

Hopefully the next post will see more photos etc.